Lingerie Home Cleaning

Lingerie Home Cleaning 


Autumn Fetish The Velvet Vixen

(816) 469-1818 


(913) 346-FUCK (3825)


You will need to go through the screening process for me to come see you 

you'll also need to provide the cleaning supplies 

 Lingerie Home Cleaning Services 

✨ Experience the Difference:

   Treat your home to a royal makeover with my specialized lingerie-inspired cleaning services. From delicate dusting to meticulous organization, I will ensure that every detail is handled with care and precision, leaving your space looking and feeling immaculate.

 Customized Care for Your Home:

    Your home is a reflection of your unique style and personality. 

My lingerie home cleaning services are tailored to your preferences, ensuring that every nook and cranny is cleaned to perfection according to your specific needs and desires.

With my lingerie-inspired cleaning services, you can relax, unwind, and revel in the beauty of a space that exudes charm, sophistication, and grace.

Let me pamper your home with my exquisite lingerie home cleaning services and rediscover the joy of maintaining a space that radiates elegance and allure.

*Bedrooms $50 Each

*Living Room and Dining room $50 Each

*Kitchen and Bathrooms $80 Each

*Laundry $25 per load 

*Whole house *$300*

*Prices my vary*

You must spend a minimum of 180 for me to come to you!

You also must provide cleaning supplies 

Any additional services will be talked about in person!

Packaging more than one service gets you a reduced fee (Packaged deal) 

 Elevate Your Home Cleaning Experience Today! 

Contact me today for more details

(816) 469-1818 

(913) 346-FUCK (3825)


This site contains adult-related material.
If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to view adult material in your jurisdiction, please leave now.
By entering this website, you agree that you are choosing to receive the information on this website. You understand and accept responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the website owner, the website builder software, its staff, affiliates and advertisers from all legal liability. These web pages are not intended to be viewed by minors. NO sexual activities are implied or condoned by the creator(s) of this web site. This site does not promote a prostitution nor is this advertisement or any content therein an offer for prostitution. Money exchanged is for companionship only and anything beyond that is a choice made between two consenting adults and not contracted for by the site or its creator(s).
Under no circumstances does the website owner, the website builder software, its staff or affiliates consent to or has knowledge of any illegal activity committed by anyone associated with this website.

 I offer a consensual and intimate experience. 

There's No Guarantees and
Compensation is for our time together and companionship! 
I am not a prostitute I am an escort and therefore I do not sell sex to clients. 
Even though people often make this simple mistake the difference between the two must be stressed. 
An Escort simply sells the time they spend with their clients and does not charge them for sexual acts. 
However, what happens while accompanied by an Escort is entirely between two or more consenting adults who share similar likes and Always communicate openly with myself and establish clear boundaries to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all involved. before proceeding with any decision on time purchased It is important to understand that despite my best efforts, I cannot guarantees that you will pop within the purchased time however the more time you purchase the better the chances of achieving both our goals which is to get you that release! Also once your session starts you cannot for any reason add on to the time purchased unless it's the full amount of my regular donations. Also if for any reason you cancel an appointment made where there's a date and time to show up you'll owe a 20% cancelation fee!